List of Operating Systems and Their Developers 

What are Operating Systems (OS)?

An Operating System (OS) is software that manages all the hardware and software on a computer or mobile device. It acts like a middleman between the user and the device’s hardware, making sure everything works together. The OS controls things like memory, files, and devices like printers or speakers.

Examples of operating systems include WindowsmacOS, and Android. When you turn on a device, the operating system helps it run smoothly by launching programs, managing storage, and allowing you to interact with the device. Without an OS, a computer or smartphone wouldn’t function properly.

List of Operating Systems and Their Developers

1. Desktop and Server OS

Operating SystemDeveloper/Organization
macOSApple Inc.
LinuxCommunity-based (e.g., Ubuntu by Canonical, Fedora by Red Hat)
UNIXDeveloped by AT&T and Bell Labs; now maintained by various organizations
Chrome OSGoogle
FreeBSDBerkeley Software Distribution (BSD)
SolarisOracle Corporation

2. Mobile OS

Operating SystemDeveloper/Organization
iOSApple Inc.
KaiOSKaiOS Technologies
BlackBerry OSBlackBerry Limited
Palm OSPalm, Inc.

3. Legacy OS

Operating SystemDeveloper/Organization
BlackBerry OSBlackBerry Limited
Palm OSPalm, Inc.

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